Announcing CodePen Support For Flutter, And Flutter CodePen Challenge

CodePen support for Flutter & Flutter Codepen Challenge

Today we’re excited to announce that CodePen, the Biggest Online development environment for millions of front-end developers and designers, is including support for Flutter! FrameWork For web developers, CodePen has long been a great place for sharing design explorations, new techniques, and ideas. Now with the introduction of the Flutter Framework, CodePen enables a new audience to learn, share, and promote their creative work.

According to Vazquez, which is one of the co-founders of CodePen Technology:

“CodePen has been a big fan of Flutter and the Dart programming language for years. We’re pretty pumped that Flutter now supports mobile and the web. The Flutter community is growing fast, which is why we’re excited to support Flutter with its own custom CodePen editor! Flutter is officially a first-class member of the CodePen community. We can’t wait to see what you build with Flutter on CodePen.”

Since the origin of Flutter, we’ve produced it as a canvas for inventive expression. It has been inspiring to see raising acceptance of its purpose capabilities, from the partnerships we announced with Adobe and SuperNova at our design-orientated Flutter Interact event, to the identifying of Flutter as one of the most important design ideas of the decade by Fast Company. With the latest addition of a CodePen-based Flutter atmosphere, productive professionals can now leverage CodePen to discover creative Flutter thoughts, build up exciting Flutter collections, and showcase wondrous Flutter views to the society!

CodePen’s Flutter editor is established on top of the same backend service, dart-services, that currently powers DartPad (the web-based editor created by the Flutter and Dart teams that has been recently updated to support Flutter). When we built DartPad, we designed it to be an informative tool to aid developers to learn Flutter and Dart, and share code parts with each other. We specifically chose to open-source dart-services so that sites like CodePen could tailor it to new scenarios and fans.

DartPad is an outstanding medium for quickly examining an idea in code, or for sharing your snippet with other developers, and it’s useful for reproducing (and filing) bugs. You can do this in CodePen, too, but CodePen has the benefit of an effective design community where you can share, comment, promote, try out design ideas, and get data from other designers. CodePen’s Flutter editor is more like your “right-brain” that you use to prototype opinions for creative look and design thought, while DartPad is more like your “left brain” when you demand to quickly test an idea or code up a professional idea.

👉 The “Light effect” animation Created by Mariano Zorrilla
The flutter editor on

💢 Let’s catch a fast round of the Flutter editor on CodePen. You can generate a new Flutter pen (CodePen’s term for “code snippet”) either from scratch or from a present template. Many thanks to our esteemed Flutter community members (@aednlaxer, @ayushnishad, @diegoveloper, @divyanshub024, @egorbelibov, @gskinnerTeam, @mkiisoft, @orestesgaolin, @SlaxXxX, and others) for giving some fresh samples to the template table.

👉 Let’s start with the “GooeyEdge” template. As you can watch, the Flutter code is on the left-hand side, and Flutter’s web output is on the right-hand side. You can play with this interactive design by moving the side of the visible applying your mouse.

The “Gooey edge” animation effect is Created by Grant Skinner

You can also create variations to the Flutter code, and see them get outcome respectively. For example, if we replace the color of the page control indicator from “white” to “blue” (line 326), you can see the color becomes renewed within a few seconds! CodePen automatically recompiles your code each moment you make a change. Just update a line, wait a several seconds, and the new output seems.

Page control sign switched into the blue

Now let’s see what happens if I introduce a syntax error. Say I accidentally delete a semicolon at the end of line 1. I’ll immediately see a red bar warning of the syntax error. This allows you to easily spot and correct mistakes.

Warning message when introducing a syntax error
Social features

What we particularly love about CodePen is the social and community features it offers. Once you create a new pen or discover Flutter “pens” created by the community, you can save, favorite, add to a collection, share on social media, or even fork to create your own version!

Give it a try!

We hope this new Flutter playground on CodePen empowers you to build and showcase your cool Flutter animations, ideas, vignettes, and more. Please share your designs with us on Twitter using #FlutterPen. We can’t wait to see what you build! If you missed last week’s announcement about free training, you might want to check that out. And keep an eye out: we’ll have more news very soon.

👀 Flutter CodePen challenge

Point your Flutter skills by establishing attractive UIs on CodePen

From the source, one of our aims with Flutter was to empower developers to create beautiful user experiences. And every day the worldwide community surprises us with countless apps and experiments that showcase Flutter’s creative potential. Today, we’re pleased to partner with CodePen on a fun series of new challenges to let you show off your Flutter skills.

CodePen is one of the top destinations on the internet for front-end developers to experiment, share, and iterate. Ever since we announced our partnership with CodePen in April, we’ve been amazed by the Flutter Pens you’ve created. And so we want to give you the opportunity to show off your amazing Flutter designs to CodePen’s community of over a million designers and coders.
Challenge details

䷑ What is it? CodePen Challenges are fun opportunities to level up your skills by building stuff. Previous challenges have included web development topics like JavaScript, Images, and Color Palettes. The Flutter CodePen challenge is a month-long challenge in July to build user experiences with CodePen’s new Flutter editor.

⍟ How it works:
The Flutter CodePen challenge consists of 4 weekly challenge prompts, each on a distinct Flutter theme. Each prompt will be released at the beginning of the week, and the prompts will proceed from elementary to extra high-level, building on each other.
To help you, we’ll share some ideas on what to build, recommend resources, and share example pens.
Once you complete your Pen, we encourage you to share it with the CodePen community using the tag FlutterPen and the broader developer community on Twitter and LinkedIn with #FlutterPen. The CodePen community will select the best Pens, which will be showcased on CodePen’s homepage.

🌟 Date: The first weekly challenge will be released Monday, July 6th, 2020.

Sneak peek: For the first week, we’ll start with one of the most foundational building blocks in Flutter: a Stack widget. Stack lets you layer widgets on top of each other in paint order. You can use it in easy situations such as overlaying texts on top of gradients or building some really cool custom patterns.

Here’s an implanted CodePen that does the Stack widget to produce a three-panel view. Click Run Pen to view the app in development. Then click Flutter to see the code that implements the app.
Slack Clone” by Mariano Zorrilla
Accept the challenge!

Get imaginative and stay out the challenge page, beginning July 6th! In the meantime, why not use the #FlutterPen hashtag to show off the Flutter Pens you’ve previously created? We’re excited to see what you’ve grown so far!

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